Reinventing the wheel, Maslow's hammer, and programmer archaeologists

I was struck by Susan Elliott Sim's posting on Slashdot titled "No more coding from Scratch?" To me, the responses seemed to scatter far from the mark. We are reaching a point where the rules of technology development shift at a fundamental level.

This has a direct bearing on those of us working in media, as technology and media are now deeply interconnected. I'll illustrate some of the implications of that.

Gannett: The 'what,' not just the 'when' and the 'how'

Some of the coverage of Friday's announcement from Gannett that things will be different misses the most important points. This is not about putting breaking news online all day long, which -- as I observed the other day -- is hardly a new idea. Nor is it about equipping reporters with video cameras.

Newspapers lose circulation (again)

As newspapers once again report declines in circulation, there's a natural tendancy to view it as yet more evidence that print is faltering in the face of the Internet. But that's not quite right. There's another story at work here: the collapse of the too-big, but not quite national, newspapers. That's a story of content and its relationship with a changing marketplace.

But it's so ... 1994

Writing for the American Journalism Review, Carl Sessions Stepp takes the pulse of American newspapers and declares:

"It is easy to imagine the time, coming soon, when the 24-hour Web cycle dominates the newsroom tempo, work flow and culture. ... As for tomorrow's journalists, they will more likely be identified by their function than by their medium."

Yes, but ... what about this wasn't utterly apparent 12 years ago?

Is the editorial page obsolete?

Jeff Jarvis wrote a provocative piece last month that voiced something I'd been thinking for quite awhile: that the traditional newspaper editorial page is out of step with the new world in which everyone has a forum. I was reminded of that today when checking in on our experiment in Bluffton, where pseudonymous blogger Peble wrote:

Personal pages for news and community sites

About a month ago, we quietly added a personalized page feature to

Personalization has been around for quite awhile -- it dates back to March 1995, when Jeff Boulter announced CRAYON (named for "CReAte Your Own Newspaper"). Newspapers haven't done much with it, but just about every portal and search engine has a feature.

We've wondering whether a "my page" tool could contribute anything significant to frequency-of-use numbers, and there's no way to know without trying it, so we did.