I know I'm repeating myself, but it bears repeating: The Internet isn't killing newspapers.
The Internet didn't create the conditions that left the Lee Enterprises, the Tribune Company, Journal Register, Gatehouse Media, the Star Tribune and a dozen others hanging off a cliff, dangling from a tree root.
By far and away, it's the economy, the economy, and also the economy, combined with some badly timed financial bets. And the economy is cyclical.
But that doesn't mean print is coming back. Happy days will not be here again. Because as the economic cycle knocks down the newspaper, secular change rushes in to the empty seat at the table. Secular change includes the effects of the Internet, but also market fragmentation, restructuring of the retail landscape, and other changes.
Whether newspapers participate in the coming economic recovery will depend on how well they focus on new products, especially digital, and whether they take off the blinders and discover the breadth of the playing field.
The scale of the opportunity is stunning.
A new report from Jim Chisholm of iMedia and Randy Bennett of the Newspaper Association of America has a compelling data point: Newspapers, which are accustomed to thinking of themselves as the dominant player in local markets, currently attract only 9 percent of all marketing expenditures. Unless my grade-school arithmetic fails me, that means 91 percent of the money is going somewhere else. Marketing expenditures have been growing in new directions, and newspapers have not been along for the ride.
But money being spent elsewhere also can be seen as opportunity for growth.
To pursue that opportunity, we have to stop limiting ourselves to advertising -- including search and behavioral targeting, which are the celebrated Internet growth points. There's also telesales, direct mail, catalogs, couponing, in-store media, custom publishing and event marketing. Many of these may fit reasonably well with current newspaper competencies and assets.
We're in a crisis. A crisis is a terrible thing to waste. Let's use this one to refocus -- not on rowing harder in the old direction, but to explore new ones.
Good point, but the reason
Additional business models
Good point, another reason
Maybe it's like what they say
And another thing - and this
The first question
I can answer
I can answer the question "Why are we providing stories on the web for free and still expect people to plunk down 50 cents for our newspaper?" Or at least the first half of the question. Simply:
1. The net is where the customers are going. If we want to continue the business, we have to be there. (This does NOT mean "online newspaper" is the right product model, however.)
2. It's free because paid doesn't work. This isn't theory, but practice speaking; I've tried it and seen many others try it. Broadly, we've moved from scarcity to surplus in the information business and charging for content works only in an environment of scarcity.
The question of why we expect people to plunk down 50 cents for print is a lot tougher.
The free delivered print newspaper idea has a lot to recommend it but one big problem: It radically increases your exposure to economic cycles, because you go from 70-80 percent dependency on ad revenue to 100% dependence. And right now, of course, we're in a pretty nasty ad revenue trough. Other problems include a radically higher cost base for manufacturing and distribution (you're going from 30-55% coverage to 100%), and the fact that you can't give up as many of the circ management costs as you might hope.
Back in the 1980s at the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, we launched a free-circulation Sunday Globe with about 400K delivery. It succeeded spectacularly at sucking all the ads out of the paid daily editions and probably contributed to our economic collapse. Hell of a product, though.
Just realised my post should
Interesting post
Good riddance
Most Newspapers Have No Focus