Facebook's one-way API

The other day I remarked that Facebook's idea of an open platform is a one-way street. Today Wired.com covers this issue with: "Slap in the Facebook: It's Time for Social Networks to Open Up."



I meant to post this comment on your earlier post. You actually can display your Facebook photos outside of the Facebook Realm. And in a really useful way.

On 14 July I blogged how to easily get your photos mashed up into a slick multimedia slideshow that can play anywhere.

The developers of Slide have found a way to hook and cook their code to extract useful media streams from Facebook. (Their Facebook app generates an external URL that allows you to share the slideshow beyond Facebook.)

Proof of concept . . .
This slideshow of travel photos in my blog entry is the same as displayed in my Facebook profile.

Not that I don't disagree with your observation - just thought you'd like to see at least one useful workaround.