Power-hungry telecoms learn the art of astroturfing

Writing for PBS, Mark Glaser examines just who's been posting pro-telecom comments on his weblog item titled "Should the government regulate Net neutrality?"

I don't know anybody who has warm, fuzzy feelings for their telephone and cable TV providers, so naturally my bullshit detector goes on red alert whenever I see "citizens" going to bat for them.

From where I sit, the telecom giants are trying to grab control of the Internet so they can put us consumers back into the tidy little cages we enjoyed in the 1980s. Remember those days? High local-access rates, high long-distance rates, metered service at every turn?

To do that, they have to stop us from using the Internet for audio and video networking -- unless they get a cut of the action. Spin it any way you want; it's a power grab.