Holovaty's commencement speech

Adrian Holovaty delivered the commencement speech at the University of Missouri School of Journalism last week, and he's posted it on his blog.

He delivers the "plain truth as a friendly kick in the pants as you walk out the door," and warns the J-grads that they're entering a troubled business: "Rarely is an entire industry in a position such that it needs to completely reinvent itself."

But he presents it as a challenge: "Graduates, the fire should be burning under each and every one of you. You should be yearning -- aching -- to bring this industry into a new age. Your generation -- our generation -- is going to be the one to do it."


Holovaty's inspiring speech helps direct journalism students and teachers back to the fundamentals of their art/craft/profession. It's the "fire in the belly" that is so important for recruits to news media, and they need to know that their enthusiasm and idealism will make a difference.

It is disappointing when journalism students lose the commitment and motivation that sent them to j-school in the first place. It's important for all journalism teachers to keep the flame alive, and constantly to stress how fundamentally important the role of journalism is.

Best wishes from "Down Under"!

John Henningham
Director, Jschool: Journalism Education & Training
(Brisbane, Australia)