Continuing the participatory revolution

For years I've been pushing the idea of participatory journalism. If you've been thinking this is just theory, some more data has emerged that ought to get your attention:

News is no longer just a report. It's a conversation, a broad process in which many people contribute to varying degrees.

This is not new, but rather a restoration of normalcy that was disrupted by Gutenberg and Marconi. We humans evolved in tribes, and we digest news and information by sharing it and talking about it with our friends and family. The one-way flow that is characteristic of print and electronic broadcasting is at odds with our nature. The Internet ends that directional tyranny.

But that's only part of the change. Social filtering and recommendation are the new editors and publishers. Years ago, I said that "gatekeeping" was dead and that we would need "guides" to show us the way through the chaos of the new marketplace. Our friends and followers are now taking a prominent place in that "guide" process, displacing the "editor" and the "newspaper" product.