Stockholm in April, Moscow in June

I'm a sucker for international travel, so I've signed on to speak at the Citygate Forum in Stockholm at the end of April, and at the World Editors Forum in Moscow in June. In both cases I'll be talking about the new, participatory, Web-powered participatory community interaction thing ... and avoiding the baggage-laden "citizen journalism." And I won't mention "witness contributors."

I've never been to either city. I expect Moscow to be infinitely more challenging. I've never met anyone from a Scandinavian country who didn't speak better English than some of my neighbors. Moscow, on the other hand, uses an alphabet that at this point makes less sense to me than 中国文本.

Я надеюсь выучить быстро. And I intend to get lost in the subways, which are legendary for their splendor.

I'm having to reach into my pocket for the Moscow trip, so I'm available for consulting gigs along the way.