How news travels, how ads land

I learned of the British Airways crash-landing at Heathrow yesterday from Richard Sambrook's blog, which is in my RSS reader. He happened to be waiting in an airport lounge, shot a phonecam picture, and posted it by mobile phone. Naturally I checked the Guardian, which was a bit slow out of the gate, the BBC, which was quite on top of things, and the Times, which was somewhere in the middle.

What I missed was this lovely juxtaposition of content and advertising spotted by Juan Giner. It might have been targeted based on content analysis, but I suspect it was just a run-of-site BA ad. British Airways is pushing their $189 London deal hard across multiple media channels right now.


Sorry you didn't visit us at, Steve. We had more content up faster than those other UK sites. I know. I did an audit of exactly who did what, when. (I'm the editor of

We couldn't compare with Richard Sambrook, though. If I'd had time to check my RSS reader and seen what you saw there, we would have linked to him.
